How To Find Out Your Property Boundaries

If you’re a homeowner, property owner, or looking to buy a piece of land, it’s important to know where your property lines are located. Property boundaries define the extent of your land and are crucial for avoiding disputes caused by encroaching on your neighbour’s property. In this article, we’ll look at why property boundaries are important, how to find them and when you may need a surveyor to help you.

Why Are Property Boundaries Important?

Knowing where your property lines are located is important for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Establishing your property rights: Your property boundaries define your ownership rights, including the right to use, develop and transfer the property.
  • Avoiding arguments with your neighbours: Property line disputes are common and can lead to friction, drama and even legal conflicts. Knowing your property boundaries can help you avoid encroaching on other people’s property and vice versa.
  • Compliance with zoning and building regulations: Property boundaries are crucial in determining whether your construction or renovation plans comply with local zoning and building regulations.

When Do You Need A Surveyor To Find Your Boundary?

While you can identify your property lines by looking at public records or using online mapping tools, it’s not always accurate. In some cases, you may need to hire a surveyor.

A surveyor is a professional who is trained and licensed to measure, map and describe the features of land and property. To accurately locate your boundary lines, a surveyor may use various tools and techniques. One of the most common tools is a theodolite, which measures angles, to determine the location of the boundary line. To mark the boundary line, survey pegs (or boundary pegs) are driven into the ground at the corners of the property. By combining these tools and techniques, a surveyor can produce a survey plan that accurately shows the location of your property boundaries.

Here are a few scenarios where you may need a surveyor:

A Property Line Dispute Occurs:

If you and your neighbour have a disagreement over property boundaries, a surveyor can help resolve the issue by determining the exact location of the boundary. They’ll do so by using a theodolite, surveying pegs and more.

Buying or Selling Property:

If you’re buying or selling a property, you’ll need to know the exact location of the property boundaries. A surveyor can help ensure the property you’re buying or selling matches the legal description provided in the deed.

Conducting Construction or Renovation Work:

If you’re planning to build or renovate on your property, a surveyor can help you ensure your plans comply with local zoning and building codes. They can also help you avoid encroaching on your neighbour’s property.

Make Your Boundaries Clear

If you’re looking for high-quality surveying equipment and supplies, The Pegman has you covered. Our extensive selection of equipment and accessories includes everything you’ll need to accurately mark the boundaries of your property. Whether you’re a professional surveyor or a DIY enthusiast, we offer competitive pricing and excellent customer service, so you can trust us to meet your surveying needs. For any questions, get in touch with us via our contact page or give us a call on (02) 4987 2860 today.