Survey Pegs Ultimate Guide: What, How & When

Land surveying is an essential process for various construction and development projects, as well as for understanding property boundaries. One of the critical elements involved in land surveying is the survey peg. This guide will provide all the information you need to understand what survey pegs are, their uses, and how to find them. Whether you’re a homeowner, developer, or simply curious about land surveying, this ultimate guide will shed light on the importance of survey pegs.

What is a Survey Peg?

A survey peg is a small wooden or metal stake driven into the ground at specific points along property boundaries, easements, or other significant locations. They serve as physical markers that indicate the precise location of surveyed points, making it easier for land surveyors, builders, and property owners to identify boundaries and other essential features on a property.

What are Survey Pegs Used for?

Survey pegs play a critical role in several land surveying tasks. Some of their primary uses include:

  • Defining Property Boundaries: Survey pegs are used to mark property corners and define the boundaries of a parcel of land. This is particularly important for homeowners, developers, and real estate agents when buying, selling, or subdividing land.
  • Establishing Easements: Easements, such as utility or access rights, are often designated using survey pegs. By marking the location of these easements, survey pegs help ensure that property owners and utility companies understand their respective rights and obligations.
  • Construction & Development: Survey pegs are essential for construction and development projects, as they define the exact location and alignment of structures like buildings, roads, and pipelines. They help ensure that construction is carried out accurately and within the legally permitted area.

What Do Survey Pegs Represent?

Survey pegs represent specific points on a property or piece of land, as determined by land surveying techniques. They mark important locations such as property corners, easements, and other significant features. Survey pegs are a visual representation of the results of a land survey and are used as reference points for various stakeholders, including landowners, developers, and construction professionals.

How to Find Survey Pegs

If you require survey pegs for your land surveying, construction, or development project, several options are available to acquire them. Here are some tips on where to buy survey pegs:

  • Local Hardware Stores: Many local hardware stores stock survey pegs or stakes, especially those that cater to construction professionals. You may find them available in a variety of materials, such as wood or metal, and different sizes.
  • Specialty Surveying Stores: Some stores specialise in surveying and construction equipment, offering a more comprehensive range of survey pegs and related accessories. These stores often carry high-quality pegs and stakes designed explicitly for surveying purposes.
  • Land Surveying Supply Companies: Some companies exclusively manufacture and distribute land surveying supplies, including survey pegs. Purchasing directly from a supplier can be cost-effective, especially if you require a large quantity of pegs. Additionally, suppliers can often provide expert advice on the best pegs for your specific project.


Survey pegs play a crucial role in defining property boundaries and easements and ensuring accurate construction and development. Understanding their purpose and how to find them is essential for anyone involved in land transactions or development projects. If you need survey pegs in the Hunter Valley, Central Coast, and Great Lakes regions, consider reaching out to The Pegman, a reputable supplier of high-quality hardwood pegs.